Importing Shipping Costs via CSV

Instead of setting a fixed shipping cost for individual countries, you can import shipping costs for individual orders with a CSV-file. Most

How to import shipping costs for individual orders:

Go to Costs data & Integrations > Shipping Costs.
Select CSV Import.
Import your file. You can either use a CSV file in the above format or can manually add the the Order ID (e.g. the #XXSS field in Shopify) and the shipping cost in your store's currency in the spreadsheet you see in the import window.
Confirm if your CSV has column headers.
Lifetimely will then map the columns in your CSV file with the columns in our database and will ask you to confirm the mapped fields:
Complete a final review of the data about to be
Confirm and submit your data.

Your data will be imported and the shipping costs for the past orders will be updated in the next 5-10 minutes.

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