Prefilters Explained

Pre-filters allow you to exclude specific Shopify orders from being included in your Lifetimely reports.

To access the Pre-filters section, simply navigate to the left-hand menu and select Pre-filters.

What are all the pre-filters Lifetimely offers?

1. Financial Status 

You can exclude orders from Lifetimely reports based on their financial status, such as Pending and Authorized. This allows you to filter out unpaid orders from the reports.

2. Order Value

Exclude orders based on their value or cancellation status. This filter is especially useful for removing 0-value orders from your reports.

3. Draft Orders and Sales Channels

You can easily exclude draft orders from your reports using the draft orders filter. Additionally, Lifetimely allows you to exclude orders from specific sales channels that you do not want included in your reports. To do this, simply use the sales channel filter and type in the name of the channel you wish to exclude, such as Point of Sale or any other integrated channel.

4. Order Tags

You can exclude orders based on specific tags applied to them. For example, if you have custom tags for orders that you don't want to be included in your reports, you can filter these out using this option.

5. Customer Tags

If you use customer tags to segment your customers, you can exclude orders from certain customer groups. This is helpful if you want to filter out orders from specific customer segments, such as wholesale customers or VIPs, from your reports

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