Can I set up different shipping costs per country for each of my products?

On the Shipping Costs page, you can set up shipping costs for each of your shipping countries. However, when this is in place, the country-based shipping cost applies to all products, even though product shipping costs can vary across countries. To keep your profit metrics accurate, you can now create specific shipping costs for multiple countries under each product.

If you want to set different shipping costs based on the shipping country for each product (at a granular level), this is now possible in our app. 😊

How to Set This Up:

1. Go to the Product Costs page here:

2. Click the edit (pencil) icon next to the Lifetimely Shipping Cost field.

3. You'll then have the option to set up different shipping costs for different countries for the same product.

4. Add the shipping costs for different countries for the same product, as shown below.

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