Time Lag Between Orders Report Walkthrough

The Time lag between orders report shows how many repurchases are happening within key time periods, such as 1 week or 90 days, from repeat customers in a selected time frame, and then the cumulative total % of repeat orders made over time.

As always, you can toggle the report's time period and apply any of the usual report filters. You can also decide which repurchase data to analyze using the "Orders" drop-down menu:

  • 1st to 2nd order only - This will exclude all of a customer's orders beyond his/her second order (the first repurchase) to show you the time lag only between the first and second order.
  • All repeat orders - This will include all repurchases. If a customer has multiple orders, then the report will show the time lag between the customer's first order and each additional order. 

Now let's turn to the report:

  Data from customers who only purchase once is not included in this report.

  • Shown in blue is what % of repeat purchasing customers made their purchase (including 3rd or 4th or more purchases) within that key time period, such as 0-7 days.
  • Shown in yellow shows the total of all repurchases made up to and including that time period. For example, 80% of repurchases completed from 0 to 90 days.

💡 Tip: To show only the Cumulative % of repeat orders, or % of repeat orders, click the label above the graph to toggle their display.

💡 Tip: Usually, we see most customers make a repurchase within 90 days.

What’s next?

Review your key time periods to see when the bulk of your repurchases are made. Usually, we suggest selecting periods where at least 80% of purchases have been made.

Once you have identified the key period, consider starting or modifying your win-back campaigns to target churning customers after that period. Test a variety of offers and discount ladders.

💡 Tip: An effective win-back campaign should expect around a 10-15% response rate.

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