How to integrate Amazon Ads

⚠️ Note: Linking an Amazon store to your account is a prerequisite for integrating Amazon Ads. You can find a quick step-by-step guide to connecting your Amazon shop here: How to connect an Amazon store.

To add Amazon Ads data to your reports, you'll first need to authorize Lifetimely's access to your data. This data will be used to power the PPC Report under Profit & loss and also use campaign send as a marketing cost to sync costs automatically.

This a very simple process that can be done in just a few clicks, as follows:


From the Integrations page on your Amazon store, click "Amazon Ads"

(You can also link directly to the Amazon Ads integration page here.)


Choose your advertising region (North America, Europe, or Far East)


Click "Allow" and enter your login credentials to authenticate access to your ads data


Decide which campaigns to exclude (if any)

If the connection was successful, then back in Lifetimely you'll see the name and account number of your Amazon Ads account:

If you'd like to exclude any campaign data from your Lifetimely reports, then enter terms matching those campaigns in the space provided and click "Save changes."

If at any future point you'd like to switch or disconnect your Amazon Ads account from Lifetimely, you can do so from this screen.

⚠️ Note: Due to restrictions from Amazon, the time period can only be extended as far back as 3 months when you first connect your store.
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