PPC Report Walkthrough

⚠️ Note:If you haven’t already, you’ll need to integrate your Amazon Ads account with Lifetimely so that we can populate the report. You can do that from the Amazon Ads integration page (or follow our quick integration guide here).

The PPC report helps you track and analyze the performance of your Amazon Ads campaigns. Within one consolidated report, you can measure the effectiveness of your campaigns, ad groups, and/or keywords across nine different metrics.

This guide will walkthrough how to read a standard report, how to adjust/customize the report parameters to suit your needs, and how to export your metrics to a CSV file.

As always, you can direct any unanswered questions to hello@lifetimely.io, and we'll be happy to help!

How to read the PPC report

To access the report, expand the “Profit & loss” sub-menu in your lefthand navigation bar and click “PPC Report”. You can also access the report here.

When you first load the PPC report, you’ll find a list of each of your active and inactive Amazon Ads campaigns along with their performance across nine metrics over the last 30 days.

Campaigns are listed in the left-most column and are identified by product ASIN and the settings for the campaign that you set in Amazon.

Clicking the small carrot next to the name of the campaign will expand to show you the breakdown of your metrics across each ad group within the campaign. Clicking the carrot next to each ad group drills down even further to the keyword level.

A quick description of each metric:

  • Status - Indicates whether the campaign is currently enabled, paused, or archived
  • Ad spend - Total ad spend for the campaign/group/keyword in the given time period
  • CPC - Cost per click (ad spend divided by the number of clicks on the campaign)
  • Clicks - Number of clicks on the campaign
  • Orders - Number of orders made after clicking on the campaign
  • Units - Total number of units sold across those orders
  • PPC sales - Total value of sales attributed to clicks on the campaign
  • PPC sales 7d/14d/30d - Campaign sales over the preceding 7, 14, and 30 days
  • ACOS - Advertising Cost of Sales (ad spend as a percentage of sales for the campaign)
  • Conversion - Orders as a percentage of clicks
  • Cost per order - Ad spend divided by orders
💡Tip: Definitions for each metric can also be found in the report itself by hovering your cursor over the name of the metric in each column header.

By default, you’ll see a maximum of 10 campaigns listed on your report. If you have more than that, you can click to the next page by clicking “Next” in the bottom right of your report, or you can expand the report to include up to 100 campaigns at once.

But to more efficiently track the performance of the campaigns, ad groups, and keywords that interest you, it’s best to adjust report parameters and/or filter your results using the search bar, which we’ll discuss next.

How to customize and filter the PPC report

At the top of the report you'll find drop-down menus to adjust the report's time period and grouping, plus an option to filter by campaign status. Directly beneath is a search bar to quickly filter for specific campaigns or keywords. Lastly, to the far right of the report under "Columns", you can deselect any metrics you wish to exclude from the report.

  1. Adjust the time period - You’re probably already familiar with the time period toggle, as it's an option on nearly every report in Lifetimely. To change the time period of the report, just click on the "Time period" window, where you can select from pre-set date ranges or select your own customized date range.
  2. ⚠️ Note: Due to restrictions from Amazon, the time period can only be extended as far back as 3 months when you first connect your store.
  3. Group by campaign, ad group, or keyword - For easier side-by-side comparisons of ad groups or keywords across campaigns, you can choose to view the report at more granular levels.
  4. Filter by campaign status - Quickly filter for campaigns that are enabled, paused, or archived
  5. Quick filter by campaign, ASIN, keyword, etc. - As you type in the search bar, the report will automatically filter for campaigns, ad groups, keywords, ASINs, SKUs, etc. that match your term.
  6. Include/exclude columns - Narrow the report down to just the metrics that matter to you.

How to export the PPC report to a CSV file

To export your report to a CSV file, just click the “->CSV” button in the top right of the report. This will automatically begin a download of all entries matching your report parameters.

Any metric columns you’ve chosen to exclude will also be excluded from the CSV file.

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