How to connect and manage Shopify and Amazon stores on the same account as a team

How to access both Shopify and Amazon stores as a team

As mentioned in the How to connect an Amazon store article, a multi-store account is needed to add your Amazon store. Any team members accessing Lifetimely through Shopify's admin can also view both Shopify and Amazon stores with their own multi-store. If team members don't have a multi-store account, they can access Lifetimely through Shopify and create one as follows:


Find the Multiple shops tab of the Settings page

Click the store dropdown to Add an Amazon store (or click Settings > Multiple shops).


Click “Login with Amazon”

From the Multiple shops tab of the Settings page, click Login with Amazon


Create or sign into your designated multi-store Lifetimely account

A designated multi-store Lifetimely account is required to manage both a Shopify and Amazon store within the same account. It's free to create, but there may be additional charges for each store that you track in Lifetimely.

👉 If you're already logged into your multi-store account, you can skip ahead to step 4.

If this is your first time adding a store:

Before adding your first store, you’ll have to create your designated Lifetimely account. This is a very quick set-up process that you'll only have to do once.

  1. After clicking “+ Add another store”, you’ll see a dialog box asking you to create or log into your Lifetimely account. Click “Log in / Create account” to continue.

  2. Enter your info where prompted and click "Create account". 
  3. You will receive an email asking you to confirm your email address. To confirm it, just click on the link provided in the email.
  4. (After signing up, you may have to repeat Step 1 above to return to the "Multiple shops" tab.)
💡 Note: Going forward, anytime you want to access multi-store functionality, you will need to log in to your Lifetimely account from our sign-in page at instead of via Shopify Apps.

Log into Amazon with your Amazon Seller Partner credentials

After creating the multi-store account, click “Login with Amazon” to add your store using your Amazon account.


Authenticate Lifetimely access

After logging in, you should see a confirmation page to authorize the connection with Lifetimely. Tick the check box at the bottom and click "Confirm".


Confirm that the connection worked

When you return to Lifetimely, you should see a pop-up window confirming the connection, and your Amazon store should be listed in the Multiple shops tab.

How to toggle between Shopify and Amazon stores

⚠️ Reminder: To access multi-store functionality, you first need to log in to your Lifetimely account from our sign-in page at (instead of via Shopify Apps).
Toggling between stores

To toggle between stores in your profit dashboard, just click on the Store drop-down menu in the left navigation bar. You'll see a list of all stores connected to your account. Just click on the store whose metrics you'd like to see displayed in your dashboard.

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